Thursday, February 08, 2007

A l'amitié...

Ca fait des années que je connais R.

Autoportait de R.

On a commencé par faire du sport dans le même quartier, dans la même association.
Et puis le hasard nous a réuni alors que tout aurait pu en rester là : rentrée des classes de Seconde, le voilà, dans la cour de ce lycée un peu huppé du centre ville.

Ni l'un ni l'autre n'avons rien à faire là. La carte scolaire ne nous autorise pas à nous mélanger à l'élite.
Mais c'était sans compter le cinéma. On a tous les deux choisis d'étudier cette matière : après les Bulls, c'est la Paramount qui nous réunit.
C'est le début d'une longue amitié...

Aujourd'hui encore, alors qu'on s'est perdus de vue pendant plusieurs années, on se retrouve et rien n'a changé.
En fait si, tout a changé. Nous, nos vies, nos amours, nos passions.
Mais pas notre amitié.

Alors qu'en ce moment je me sens un peu seule et désoeuvrée, loin de ma famille et de mes amies, ça me fait un bien fou.
L'amitié, sincère, c'est presque plus doux que l'amour. Moins douloureux en tous cas.

Sounds like the end of an era...

From the beginning, I've been writing in english almost every messages.
I did so because I wanted my friends from Hawaii, Canada, England, Ireland... to read me.

Unfortunately, time made our links less and less strong.

Then, from now, I'll write in French.
Hoping some people I love will read my blog while they could not because of the language...

Thursday, January 25, 2007

At least...

Everybody kept complaining about the weather saying there was no more season.

They won't any longer.

Monday, November 27, 2006


Yes, this time I can say so. I'm broken.
I mean, really broken. My back actually... The doctor explained me everything about the origin of this "problem" and so on, but all I can remember is that I'm broken.
And it hurts bad.

I'm this kind of girl who wants everyone to believe she's a warrior. Strong, rough and tough.
Most of the time people believe I am this kind of girl.

Of course I'm not, but it's now too late to let all those people realize they were wrong. They have always been wrong.
Moreover, I'm pretty sure they don't want to know about it. It's nice to have a warrior among one's family. You can ask the warrior absolutely everything, and you can be sure the warrior will do it. Even if it hurts. Even if it's hard.

But today, I can't be this warrior no more.
My mind had already decided not to be so.
Now it's for my body to cry out its weakness.

Guess I'll have to listen to this...

Monday, July 24, 2006

Just do it...

This one won't be about sport.
It's all about a world champion : George W. Bush.

He had already been crown most homophobic president of the USA, major dyslexic, most racist person able to work with a black woman just to gain some votes, most dangerous person for women who want to abort, and many others...

Now comes this one.
I let you be the one to judge this new perfomance.
As far as I'm concerned, I'd really like ABA to go on, denounce Bush's statements and encourage a legal fight over them.

Just do it, guys !!

Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Breeze please...

Everyday, it's getting hotter.
God knows I do love the heat and I don't really complain for myself, BUT I definitely don't appreciate those who don't know about the shower and smells like hell as soon as it's hot. Especially when you're sharing an office with those kind of smelly people.

That's why, please my Lord, give us some breeze !!!

Monday, July 10, 2006

Never ever...

I will never ever eat pizzas or pastas

I will never ever wear gucci or prada accessories

I will never ever tell Boris I'll come to visit him in Italy

But I will always regret Zidane didn't bump this fucking italian in his face!!!

Saturday, June 17, 2006

Move away from the cold...

After my best friend left France to England, I decided it was high time to do the same... but, as I'm a bit less crazy than she is I've chosen the South of France .

Bordeaux, here I am !!!