Monday, February 27, 2006

Oh gosh...

Today is kind of scaring. I'll have my first job interview. I mean a real one, not for Mac Do or any other mac jobs...
The funniest is that I have no idea about the job. All I know is that it's about VoIP ( voice over internet protocol) .... I should rather say I really have no idea what the job is...

Hope the guy won't realise...

Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Lovers' Day...

As you may know, my very good friend does her best to do of Valentine's day the less romantic ever.
I'm 100% with her in her attempt to consumer society.
Actually, I definitely don't want to spend money in a teddy bear holding a big heart in its hands with this lame inscription "I love you that big"...

I don't want to go to the restaurant and feel ashamed to eat with my hands or to pick up a plate with garlic in the menu, just because it's Valentine's day and I can't...

I don't want my man to read me poetry at bed...

I don't want him to cry out his love in the middle of the street...

All I'm asking for, is for a little respect!... sounds like a song, no?!
No, seriously my wish is really simple : I'd like to make love just like the other days, to have my man tell me he loves me just like the other days, and to burst into laugh all day long because he's so fucking funny... just like the other days.

Anyway... to come back to my good friend and to those who want to participate in her marathon... try this one !

Sunday, February 12, 2006

I loved this week-end...

If I look back and try to remember what I did, I must admitt : almost nothing... but it may be why I loved this week-end.

Well... there was one big thing actually : we went out yesterday with my good friend xxx and she was with this guy, really cute, she's "dating".

We had a lot of fun because of this barman who has only one arm... yeah I know it's terrible but the funny thing was that a girl who walked on crutches passed around and we felt like it was a handicap-night.

Let's imagine the concept : if you have a serious handicap, you drink for free !

If you include mentally handicapped person like the man who tells you in a night club that you're the lucky one who gonna sleep with him tonight... it could definitely works !

Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Should I accept...

A couple of days ago, I met a friend who got a reggae sound system. He is really into music and he’s about to have a big party in a night club in my city.
As you may know, I'm really into music too. I'm keen on reggae and Jamaican culture.

That's why my friend proposed me to mix some music at the party. It will be a lady night. Strictly sistas pon the stage…I’d love it.
It’s been more or less two years since I started to collect reggae vinyl. Of course, my collection is for me, but it’s just like writing… If you write, you want people to read you. If you collect vinyl, you want to play in parties and to have people screaming in front of you because they love your music.

But at the same time, I feel like I’m unable to mix in front of people. I’m not ready yet. The only time I did something like this, it was for my birthday. There were only a couple of friends.

Kind of people who would never say “Make her leave the place. She’s bad.”

I’m very excited, but if I flop, I will never be able to do it again. It will be the raise and the fall on the same night!

Maybe I should try. I gonna leave this city in 4 months anyway…I’ll try not to go out any longer if this party is a big failure… I’ll eat only cans and I’ll buy a couple of cats…

But if it’s a success, be sure you’ll hear about it!!

Sunday, February 05, 2006

Fuck dem all...

I'm awaiting this fucking buyer for too long already. My place is upside down. I don't have anything to put my computer on ( this is a sin!) and I try to keep cool not to kill him before he gives me the money.

I'm selling my mezzanine-bed because I don't use it. Don't think I never sleep at home, it's just that the sole in my flat is is tiping up. The consequence is that sleeping ther is highly dangerous. Sleeping is already hazardous, making love is even worst.

But my buyer is still not arrived. I'm getting mad now. I must focus on the money I'll have and forget about him...

God I'd like to be rich and not to care about money. I would hit him on the face.

Friday, February 03, 2006

Mahomet cartoons…

I don’t really want to take position in this debate.
I’m not Muslim, but my father is. And my mother has been raised in Christianity before she drifted. Now she is deeply into Buddhism.
I believe in God, definitely, and I’m very interested in religions. I respect religions because I’m sure you need to believe in something, whatever if it’s Jah, God, Allah, Sciences or anything else.
Human beings need to believe, and every one should respect this.

At the same time, I grew up in a country where freedom of the press is the basis for democracy. I give thanks for this each and every day and I would fight anyone who could threaten this freedom.

As far, you may think I should condemn Muslims who deemed blasphemous a cartoon about the prophet published in Denmark. I guess I should. Kind of cartoons that sets the world on fire

But, better than giving you my advice, (who cares about it?!), I’d like to remind you some event that occurs in France, in March 2005.
At this time, a county court, in Paris, sentenced the fashion designers Marithé and François Girbaud because of an advertising campaign.

As you see, this is an artistic reinterpretation of a famous work of art by Leonardo da Vinci.
French bishops definitely didn’t like and they lodged a complaint against the top designers.

For this, in France, in 2005, they have been sentenced. It was said this ad was nothing but abuse and slender….
And not only the bishops but also the judge said so!

That’s precisely why, today, when French people say Muslims don’t respect freedom of the press, I’d just like them to keep in mind that French bishops did quite the same, not even one year before, railing against a simple artistic picture they considered blasphemous.

Of course, they didn’t show their indignation the same way. That’s true. And I can’t support people who are violent in their acts and their speeches. But I’d like the justice and the press, at least in France, to be the same for everyone : if this cartoon is seen as an insult by many Muslims, why should we consider them as reactionary when the French court eventually decided in bishops’ favour in the Marithé and François Girbaud’s case?!

Thursday, February 02, 2006

Feeling sad today...

I just learnt that a guy I know has been arrested in Paris, in a train station, with drug on his backpack...
Actually it was hashisch. One kilo.
He has been arrested at 10 a.m. and judged on the afternoon to finally be sentenced to 10 months imprisonment.

I have had some good time with him. Bad sex also. He was a really bad lover to be honnest...
Anyway, I feel a bit sad even if we didn't speak anylonger.
I didn't want to see him no more because he had nothing to bring me. I knew he would fall. Moreover I was falling too. In love with another one. With the one.

I definitely don't regret my choice, but I would have liked him to avoid such a sentence.
I just hope he will be able to get over this.

"Le dernier juge que j'ai vu avait plus de vices que le dealer de ma rue."