Lovers' Day...
As you may know, my very good friend does her best to do of Valentine's day the less romantic ever.
I'm 100% with her in her attempt to consumer society.
Actually, I definitely don't want to spend money in a teddy bear holding a big heart in its hands with this lame inscription "I love you that big"...

I don't want to go to the restaurant and feel ashamed to eat with my hands or to pick up a plate with garlic in the menu, just because it's Valentine's day and I can't...

I don't want him to cry out his love in the middle of the street...
All I'm asking for, is for a little respect!... sounds like a song, no?!
No, seriously my wish is really simple : I'd like to make love just like the other days, to have my man tell me he loves me just like the other days, and to burst into laugh all day long because he's so fucking funny... just like the other days.
Anyway... to come back to my good friend and to those who want to participate in her marathon... try this one !
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