I loved this week-end...
If I look back and try to remember what I did, I must admitt : almost nothing... but it may be why I loved this week-end.
Well... there was one big thing actually : we went out yesterday with my good friend xxx and she was with this guy, really cute, she's "dating".
We had a lot of fun because of this barman who has only one arm... yeah I know it's terrible but the funny thing was that a girl who walked on crutches passed around and we felt like it was a handicap-night.

Let's imagine the concept : if you have a serious handicap, you drink for free !
If you include mentally handicapped person like the man who tells you in a night club that you're the lucky one who gonna sleep with him tonight... it could definitely works !
hahahahaa....I'm still laughinfg about it... pas de bras pas de chocolat!
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