Woman a come
A some a dem a seh me a go mash up dem plan. A true dem nuh know me a one bisnis 'oman. Lady Lema she a one ina 3 million. So bam bam, bam bam dilla, bam bam. Seh what a bam bam...
Thursday, March 30, 2006
Wednesday, March 29, 2006
I love my country...
I can't believe I just wrote this sentence.
But actually it's true : since a couple of days, I do love my country. I used to tell everyone that France was full of red necks only intersted in soccer, TV shows and cars... I was right.
But I must admitt there are also a lot of wonderful people.
Some universities have been blocked for months, millions of people were demonstrating in the streets yesterday all around the country, traffic has been interrupted by students throughout the country...
And there is this grandma who demonstrated alone with this banner : If you're against, then klaxon ! She had a real succes as almost every car klaxoned and none tried to smash her !
Sure there are some hooligans, but there are definitely not demonstrators... and most French people support the demonstrators.
I know France is far from being perfect, but I'm happy so many people keep believing in and fighting for our social-democracy !
One more time : Mr. de Villepin, kiss my ass !
Monday, March 27, 2006
I wish I were a dog....
Yes, a big fat one. An old dog that remembers the time when people gave bones to their animals rather than cans of shit smelling like vomit.
But it's not for bones that I'd like to be a dog. Actually, I'd like to understand one thing : racism.
Wherever I look, whatever the country, it's always the same : racism seems even more human than laughing.
But is it only human?
I know, it may sound ridiculous... but what about dogs?

I mean they are all different, just like men... but do they feel racism? Does a small dog hate a big one just because they're different?...
Hey, I'm not on drugs !
I'm really wondering.... Is racism only human?...
Saturday, March 18, 2006
Let's imagine...
Yesterday, I had a job interview to work in a bank. It may not sound extremely exciting, but actually the job is really nice and interesting.
I would have to give pieces of advice to big bosses of enterprises concerning their business... not that bad.
To get the job you have to meet two people.
The first one accepted me in the bank. The second one will have to do the same. If not I'll kidnap her family.
Just Kidding.
More seriously, what I realised while I was offering to work for them is that I would never accept to sign whithout guarantees.
At the moment, in France, the government wants to impose people a new work-contract. With this, young people under 25 can be fired with no explanations.
This means you can't have a credit to buy a car to go to your office because it would be too risky for a bank clerk to give you money, you can't have a flat because no rent man would rent a place to someone who could be unemployed the day after...
In other words, they want us to go to work stressing upon the fact that it could be the last time... I'm affraid it's not the best way to have productive employees !
Anyway, all I know is that I'd like to get this job, to have a long term contract, to get (a lot of) money and to end up at the head of this society within 15 years ahahahaha
So : Mrs. the big boss of recruitement, hire me ! Mr. de Villepin, kiss my ass !
Monday, March 13, 2006
Tell me why....
Is there anybody to explain me why the prime minister of a country in crisis chose a private channel to deliver a speech on TV ?!
I mean why should I pay a tax to get a national and public television if those who represent the Nation don't even use it to talk to this Nation ?!
Photo AFP/TF1
Please, if you have any idea, help me ! Tell me why !
PS : who is responsible for this ???
Saturday, March 11, 2006
Happy anniversary...
It's been more or less 1 year since I left Hawaii...
And I just realise how much I loved this island...
How much I loved to win the "shake-your-ass" contest...
How sexy the Toga Party was...
How much I laughed with Barbara...
How great Ana has been...
How much I regret Mary...
How good it was to live with Tajia and Jamie...
How much I loved Mc Donald's...
How much fun we had with "Busy-Mayu"...
How ungrateful I have been to the one who gave me the most...
How important our Godmother was for us...
How much I loved this sitting and the way some locals hate the USA...
How crazy Adam was (I loved that!) ...
How exotic and kitsh Christmas has been...
But now, there is nothing left except a puzzle of memories...

Faust is alive...
Have you ever heard about Faust ? this guy who sold his soul to the devil...
This was supposed to be a story with some philosophic and religious background. Now it is not a myth any longer. Faust is alive.
Indeed, he just sold his soul on the Internet, on the e-bay web site.
And this is not a joke. Definitely not.
This young student did so because he couldn't understand why he was atheist... To see if there was any way he could be converted, he decided to "publish a classified".
Why not...
The deal was quite simple : every 10 dollars, he would go to a religious celebration where people would (maybe) convince him.
The auction reached 504 dollars, which is not that bad.
The winner is a 58 years-old evangelist and the funny thing is that he doesn't want to convert him.
His purpose rather is to use this neo-Faust to criticize the other preaching men during their sermons, in as many parishes as possible...
Actually, this student who wanted to check if he was definitely atheist is now touring the US parishes to tell people they may be wrong concerning their interpretations of the Bible and so on... and last but not least his sponsor is nobody but a very religious man...
I do love Faust !
Thursday, March 09, 2006
I just finished to read an article about a civil war in Uganda, in a french newspaper.
The journalist explains how children have to leave their houses each and every night to reach camps and hospitals to sleep there, in a so-called safe place.
Indeed, soldiers kidnap children and teens to force them to join their army and fight against the forces of the State.
Of course, it's much easier to brainwash a young kid and make him believe in a cause that means nothing but his own death.
Some of them have no choice but to kill their own family so that they don't have anything left that could make them escape from the army or leave the fight.

This is not new. Unfortunately. It's been a long time since children have been used as weapons, cleared out of any humanity.
But there was one thing that stroke me in this article : a teenager interviewed by the journalist told him, after responding all his questions : "Concretely, what does it change if you talk about us in your country?"
It was not a question. She knew that none article in any occidental newspaper would change something.
It's terrible to point out such a weakeness of the press, but she was fucking right.
People always say they didn't know what was happening.
In reality, favored people just don't do anything because it wouldn't change anything. For them at least.
Tuesday, March 07, 2006
Vinyl rules...
You may know that I'm definitely not a punk-music fan. But this made me respect the style.
Could you believe it?!
This record is much more expensive than some gorgeous cars... more than 12,000 pounds !!

A couple of weeks ago, I spent 32 pounds for a record, a 7". I felt like I had just spent a big amount of money. Now I feel ridiculous !
Believe me, even for THE record I'm dreaming of every single night, I would never spend so much...
C'mon man, there are museums to spend money for history...
12,000 pounds... God saves this vinyl addict !