Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Vinyl rules...

You may know that I'm definitely not a punk-music fan. But this made me respect the style.

Could you believe it?!
This record is much more expensive than some gorgeous cars... more than 12,000 pounds !!

A couple of weeks ago, I spent 32 pounds for a record, a 7". I felt like I had just spent a big amount of money. Now I feel ridiculous !

Believe me, even for THE record I'm dreaming of every single night, I would never spend so much...
C'mon man, there are museums to spend money for history...

12,000 pounds... God saves this vinyl addict !


At 11:11 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

one must be crazy to bid so much money... and I think he will never listen to it.
more money than sense


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