Faust is alive...
Have you ever heard about Faust ? this guy who sold his soul to the devil...
This was supposed to be a story with some philosophic and religious background. Now it is not a myth any longer. Faust is alive.
Indeed, he just sold his soul on the Internet, on the e-bay web site.
And this is not a joke. Definitely not.
This young student did so because he couldn't understand why he was atheist... To see if there was any way he could be converted, he decided to "publish a classified".
Why not...
The deal was quite simple : every 10 dollars, he would go to a religious celebration where people would (maybe) convince him.
The auction reached 504 dollars, which is not that bad.
The winner is a 58 years-old evangelist and the funny thing is that he doesn't want to convert him.
His purpose rather is to use this neo-Faust to criticize the other preaching men during their sermons, in as many parishes as possible...
Actually, this student who wanted to check if he was definitely atheist is now touring the US parishes to tell people they may be wrong concerning their interpretations of the Bible and so on... and last but not least his sponsor is nobody but a very religious man...
I do love Faust !
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